Welcome to the MYE PLG Website
This is the webpage for the Midlands, Yorkshire and East Practice Learning Group (MYE PLG). We represent 30 Universities and worked collaboratively to support the development and delivery of a regional nursing practice assessment document and the implementation of the NMC Future Nurse standards (2018).
Our aims are:
- To develop, support, monitor and evaluate a standardised Midlands, Yorkshire and East of England wide approach to practice learning and assessment across the regions for a range of learners on pre-registration nursing programmes
- To reduce variation in practice learning to create excellence across Midlands, Yorkshire and East of England.
- To work collaboratively with other health and social care professional groups sharing and disseminating effective practice.
This website holds the resources developed, along with guides for their use in the sections below. It also details our ongoing work on projects to enhance practice based learning and assessment for our universities, students and all our practice learning partners.
Across our MYE Universities and their multiple practice partners, we know there is innovation and inspiration in progress. We welcome feedback and helpful observations to make this website even better, please send your comments to the Midlands Yorkshire and East Practice Learning Group project lead a.fordhambarnes@wlv.ac.uk.
We hope you find these resources useful.
Our 30 Institutions
For specific information, click on their logo to go to their webpages.
Project Lead for M,Y+E PLG
Dr Abbie Fordham Barnes PhD RN
(University of Wolverhampton)
Email: a.fordhambarnes@wlv.ac.uk