MYE PAD – Practice Assessment Document – developed by practice partners and staff, students and academic staff

The Midlands, Yorkshire and East Practice Assessment Document

The Midlands, Yorkshire and East Practice Assessment Document (MYE PAD) has been developed by the Pan London Practice Learning Group in collaboration with practice partners, mentors, academic staff, students and service users across London, the Midlands, Yorkshire and the East of England regions. This collaborative assessment document aims to support nursing students to achieve the criteria set out in the Future Nurse: Standards of Proficiency for Registered Nurses, (NMC 2018). The development of this document was funded by Health Education England.

Subsequent development of practice assessment documents for Nursing Associate programmes and Return to Practice (RTP) programmes in nursing have also been completed and all examples can be seen on this page, with a link to the NMC standards at the end.

The documents here are to be used as a guide for training and education and should not be reproduced for any other purpose. The MYE PAD documents have been adapted for use by each university and pages added or removed to meet the local needs of their programme assessment requirements. Further information can be found in the university specific information section or local university webpages.

The podcast here demonstrates how to use the MYEPAD, using examples of pages and a narration to assist understanding for students and staff in placement and university.

Focus group for MYEPAD

Following on from the news item from May 2023, we are inviting nursing students, practice supervisors, practice assessors and academic assessors to participate in a focus group to evaluate the Midland, Yorkshire and East Practice Assessment Document (MYEPAD) on behalf of the Midlands, Yorkshire and East Practice Learning Group (MYEPLG) under the supervision of Dr Abbie Fordham Barnes, MYEPAD project lead and Prof Bill Whitehead, education and research consultant.

The purpose of this study is to evaluate this collaborative assessment document and see what has worked well and what might be improved. Your participation will offer an understanding of the effectiveness of the MYEPAD from those involved in its use. The information learned in this focus group will help to improve the MYEPAD.

As part of this study, you will be placed in a group of a maximum of 12 other participants. A moderator will ask you several questions while facilitating the discussion.

This evaluation has been approved through the University of Wolverhampton Ethics Committee on behalf of participating institutions across the MYEPLG regions.

This focus group will be conducted as a Microsoft Teams online meeting and will be video recorded and auto-transcribed.  A note-taker will also be present. However, your responses will remain confidential and will include no names in the final report. Further information will be available on the full participant information sheet and, should you choose to apply, you will be able to read this before committing to participate.

The focus groups will be a maximum of 1-hour long and take place via Microsoft Teams video conference platform on: 14 November 2024.

Please compete Microsoft Form using this link

to indicate your interest in being a focus group member.  Applications received before 31 October 2024, will be informed if they have been selected to participate in a focus group by 7 November 2024.

Dr Abbie Fordham Barnes and Prof Bill Whitehead
MYEPAD evaluation

Nursing Associate PAD’s

If you are supporting trainee nursing associates (TNA’s) in your area these are the national assessment documents they use. If you use an electronic version with your local university, the format may look different but the content is the same.

Return to Practice

If you are supporting students on a Return to Practice (RTP) programme in nursing, these are the assessment documents used. If their university uses an electronic version, the format may look different but the content is the same..

Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)